Razzia in Sankt Pauli

Razzia in St. Pauli is an early German sound film 1932 of the end of the Weimar Republic era. It illustrates both the powerlessness of the ordinary worker as well as an intimate portrait of the joys and sorrows of a small group of people in the harbor section of Hamburg.

The most important characteristic of this film is the use of local people, including those of somewhat gritty character, as extras playing parts that they actually lived at that time.Gina Falckenberg BallhausElse, Friedrich Gna Karl Burmeister, known as MatrosenKarl, Wolfgang Zilzer Musician Leo, Charly Wittong Charly, the Folk singer, Max Zilzer Tavern Keeper, Kurt Appel, Kte Hter, Friedrich Rittmeyer, Members of the Vice Squad of the City of Hamburg as well as girls and gritty characters of the St. Pauli area. ........

Source: Wikipedia